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The Freelancer's Tea Break

Mar 26, 2019

Are you sending out a newsletter? I've got five minutes of newsletter chat, covering what the benefits are, what to include, and how to grab clients with it (without being salesy). 

The Freelance Lifestylers FB group:

The Freelance Lifestash: 

Mar 12, 2019

Summary of podcast:

1) Choose three Facebook groups to focus on
2) Interact daily, not just for promotions
3) Make a calendar of upcoming dates of interest
4) Start conversations

Interested in the £150 a month option, for the Lifestash and monthly coaching? Available here:


Mar 6, 2019

Are you using LinkedIn and Instagram for your freelance business? Here are a couple of tips to get you started. 

Content and Instagram guru, Daire Paddy:

LinkedIn guru, Helen Pritchard: (affiliate)

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